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Rapid Response Services

Rapid Response Services| Call 988 or (904) 495-7001

Providing urgent or immediate assistance to persons experiencing current behavioral health needs, EPIC offers rapid response services designed to:

  • Provide on demand crisis intervention services in any setting in which a behavioral health crisis occurs.
  • Lessen trauma.
  • Triage, assess, and then refer to the appropriate treatment.

EPIC’s Rapid Response Services offers three pathways to receiving immediate services:

Rapid Response Team
Access Support Center
Co-Responder Program

Rapid Response Team

The purpose of the Rapid Response Team is to ensure that individuals 26 years and older in St. Johns County, in need of crisis intervention and counseling services receive it within 60 minutes of requesting mobile crisis services.  The Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

The Team engages the client at the client’s location and assesses for safety, de-escalates the situation, completes a safety risk assessment, and refers to other mental health services through a warm hand off.  They will also follow up with the client for up to 72 hours to ensure the client is stable and engaged in treatment services.

If this service is needed, please call 988 or 904-495-7001 as they provide an initial screening prior to the Team’s involvement.

(NOTE:  If you are concerned about someone 25 and under and would like to request similar Rapid Response services, please call 988 as they also screen for services for that age group as well.)

Access Support Center – OPEN AT TWO  LOCATIONS

The Access Support Center offers walk-in clinical services for outpatient behavioral healthcare assessment to evaluate the need for substance use or mental health services with EPIC Behavioral Healthcare or linked to community partners as appropriate.

Individuals seeking counseling or other behavioral health services can walk into the Center without an appointment.

North Campus
3910 Lewis Speedway, Ste. 1105, St. Augustine, FL 32084
8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Flagler Campus
2323 N State St UNIT 57, Bunnell, FL 32110
Hours: Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Screening, linkages, and clinical evaluations are provided the same day.  Care Coordination services are also available to address barriers to continued access to care.

If this service is needed, please walk in during the Center’s hours or call (904) 829-2273

Co-Responder Program

The purpose of the Co-Responder program is to bring together law enforcement and behavioral health specialists to intervene and respond to behavioral health-related calls. These teams utilize the combined expertise of the officer and the behavioral health specialist to de-escalate situations and help individuals with behavioral health issues link to appropriate services.

Co-Responders reach out and provide wellness checks and peer support and can assist in linking the individual to ongoing services.

Law enforcement and other first responders make the referrals to the Co-Responder Program.