This is the St. Johns County approved Juvenile Tobacco Citation Education Class. Attending this class is a requirement for individuals who have received a tobacco citation. Our philosophy is person-centered which means we put you at the center of your treatment and respect your freedom to make your own choices and choose your own direction.
WHAT: This is the St. Johns County approved Juvenile Tobacco Citation Education Class. Attending this class is a requirement for individuals who have received a tobacco citation.
WHERE: EPIC offers the class at EPIC’s Central Campus (1400 Old Dixie Hwy., St. Augustine, FL 32084).
WHEN: Every Wednesday of each month from 4:00pm – 5:30pm.
COST: $30.00 paid by credit card prior to the course by calling EPIC Behavioral Healthcare at 904-829-2273, ext. 9641. (This is a separate fee in addition to the citation fine.)
BRING: At the time of payment, please have the youth confirm the receipt of payment with the class facilitator. This will ensure a Certificate of Completion is handed out at the end of the class. (Certificates of Completion will be held until payment is confirmed.)